This recipe is a mega family favorite passed down over generations throught the Swedish side of our family. In fact, I don't know if the recipe came from Seden or not, or even if they eat meatballs in Sweden, but it is part of our Christmas Eve celebration and was for decades before I was born. These are simply scrumptious and everyone who has tried them has loved them.

Grama's Swedish Meatballs
1 lb organic lean ground beef
2 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
1 t ginger
1/4-1/2 ground cloves or allspice
1 egg
dash oregano
1/2 t sea salt
1 cup bread crumbs (I make mine homemade by food processing my 2 or 3 day old homemade bread and  putting it in freezer bags by the cupful  for freezer storage. Then I always have them and they are always process and preservative free)
1/2 c pureed onion

Mix together, roll into 1 inch balls, and put in greased baking pan. Add 1/4 broth or water. Bake about 25 mins or until brown at 350 degrees.

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