Yummy Protein Bars

These are yummy and super easy! I hope you enjoy!
1/3 bag natural or organic chocolate chips (I use Girardelli 65% cacoa)
2 cups almonds
1/2 cup prunes or raisins (I like it with prunes best)
1/2 c flax seed
1/2 c coconut, unsweetened
1/2 c coconut oil, 1 t coconut oil
1/2 c natural, no sugar added peanut butter
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t sea salt
1 t vanilla
2 T honey, agave, or maple syrup

In a food processor, chop nuts until tiny pieces but not crumbs. Add prunes and blend again. Add peanut butter, coconut, flax seed, cinnamon, salt. In a small saucepan, melt coconut oil, vanilla, and honey together. Pour into mixture and process on high until well blended.
Scoop into 8x8 pan. Refridgerate 30 minutes.
In a small saucepan, very low heat, melt 1 t coconut oil, then add chocolate chips. Whisk constantly until melted and spread over top. Refridgerate another 30 minutes.
Cut into bars or squares. Freezes well.

Peanut Butter Yogurt Delight

Jessie's Favorite Meal:
While I was messing around with our menu trying to find ways to work more calcium and Omega #'s into the kids' diet, I stumbled across this quick little combo and three of my kids love it. The other child doesn't eat yogurt so we are still working on hers.
Now, granted we go through outrageous amounts of yogurt but it is so good for them. The flax provides much needed fiber in a very digestable form (whole grains are great sources of fiber but are actually hard to digest unless they are soaked). Flax contains Omega 3s which assist in heart health and lignans which help protect our bodies from certain cancers. And of course, it provides diety fiber which benefits our digestive health.

1 cup organic vanilla or banilla yogurt ( I usually use Stonyfield because I am not into making my own yet)
1-2 T all natural or organic, no sugar or salt added peanut butter
1 T ground or milled flax seed

Mix together. SOOOOOO yummy! SHe eats everyday, at least once/day.