Braised Cabbage

In the oven as I write....
When we began making some healthful dietary changes I soon became aware of the amazing health benefits of cabbage. However, I had not yet met a cabbage I liked...
I am pleased  to share that I have totally overcome my cabbage phobia! In fact, cabbage, turnips, and many other  previous food "foes" are now amongst my favorite foods.
It all began with this dish I found over at The Nourishing Gourmet. I have modified it her and there but it's essentially the same. I highly recommend trying it!


1 small cabbage cut into wedges
1 onion sliced into wedges, I prefer purple onions for their sweetness
1/2 t crushed pepper
1 t oregano
1 cup chicken broth
2 T olive, coconut, or grape seed oil (coconut is my favorite here)
pinch of sea salt
1 t fresh ground/cracked pepper
(I also love to add coarsely chopped carrots, turnips, and browned ground turkey -- browned with sea salt, pepper, oregano)

In a greased baking dish, arrange cabbage wedges topped with onion. Add other meat or veggies if desired. Toss with oil of choice. Pour chicken broth over top. Sprinkle with spices. Cover very tightly with foil and cook at a low temp for couple of 300 or 325. Serve as a main dish or side with a slice of homemade whole wheat bread.