Creamy Cole Slaw

OK, so I always considered cole slaw as one of the nastiest tasting foods on the planet but my husband and I have recently discovered that homemade slaw can be slammin' if you have the right recipe!
Thank you forever to Heavenly Homemakers for her creamy cole slaw recipe we borrowed and adapted just a bit to our own's even better if you use red cabbage. 

Now, I have been making our own mayo for most things we require it for but I recommend using a store bought version for this...there are a mess of organic ones out there to choose from . 

Food process the following: 
1 small cabbage, red or green -- red is now my favorite
1/4 purple onion
2-3 carrots

Add the above ingredients to mixing bowl and then also add:
1 cup mayo
1 t celery seed
2 t Annies brown mustard (just happened to be what I had)
1 T agave or honey

Mix well and refrigerate. 

      Stir Fry Red Cabbage

Cabbage used to be my all time tops for the "Yuck Food" list. I am now happy to say that this wonderfully ultra healthy, antioxidant-laden, cholesterol lowering cruciferous veggie is now one of my very favorites. 
Gently steaming or stir frying red cabbage increases its ability to help lower blood cholesterol levels as well as remove the bitterness and bring out the natural sweetness hidden away. 

1/2 head red cabbage, shredded into strips
handful of raisins
1 t purple onion, chopped finely
1/2 t balsamic vinegar
1 T flaxseeds
1 T coconut oil

This is crazy easy and crazy quick.....and sooo good. 
Heat oil in 10+ fry pan over low heat. Add purple onion and cabbage,vinegar, and flaxseed. Add raisins after 3 minutes to plump. You may add salt and pepper to taste. Stir several times to prevent sticking or browning. Cabbage will start to wilt or soften around 4-5 minutes -- remove from heat so as to retain nutrients. Serve as a main dish or side dish.