Creamy Enchiladas

This is the best chicken enchilada recipe I have ever tried. Basically, I took an old recipe and swapped my ingredients for healthy versions where I could, left out what I needed to. The family flips out every time I make it but I save this one more for special occasions. 
Any organic free range chicken meat will do. The recipe  doesn't necessarily need breast meat if you need to be more frugal...also, I try to cook up a couple whole chickens/month and freeze the pulled apart chicken for occasions like this to make life simpler and cut down on prep time. If you are busy this step is really worth it....I call it "prep day"...... a day to make freezer doughs, chopped frozen fresh veggies into baggies, chicken meat, chicken stock, etc.

Creamy, Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas
1 lb free range chicken chopped
1/2 c purple onion, minced or pureed
2 garlic cloves, pressed
3 T cream cheese
1 c cheddar, shredded
1-1 1/2 c cream of chicken soup ( homemade recipe)
2 T butter
1 t organic taco or mexican seasoning
9 whole wheat tortillas (homemade are the very best in this)
ground pepper
canned chilis if desired

Melt butter in large saute pan. Add chicken, chiles (if you have them), Mexican seasoning, pepper. Cover and simmer. Cook mosly through on each side.
Scoop two ladles of cream of chicken soup into the chicken. Simmer 10 more minutes.
Add cream cheese, simmer 2-3 more minutes.
Stuff tortillas with mixture. Lay side by side in greased pan, folded side down.
I often make it 2 layers deep.
Add i c cream of chicken to the leftover sauce (at least 1 cup). Heat and stir. Use this as a topping.
Smother in cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 until bubbly.
Serve with warm chips, salsa, and guacamole.
Serves 6.