Chicken 'n Biscuits

Chicken N Biscuits
Hated this, or any gravish dish, as a kid. Not sure if it was Mom's cookin' or just a kid thing, but I literaly have never tried it since. I was so surprised! Even pregnant and feeling interestingly, it was really good.....very Lancaster County!

Now, I didn't exactly measure ANYTHING, so please bear with me...fortunately, it doesn't really require exacts.

Chicken Part:
2 cups chicken, cubed or shredded, cooked or not -- whatever you have (I often have shredded chicken in serving sizes in the freezer from cooking multiple whole chickens on a prep day -- perfect for occasions such as this) -- today, I just tossed it in  raw and let it simmer in the broth and it worked perfectly
3 cups broth
1 cup carrots chopped into 1/4 inch pieces (you could also add frozen peas or chopped celery, too, if you'd like -- I'm not a cooked celery or cooked peas fan so I skipped those)
salt and pepper to taste
1-2 T arrowroot powder
1 cup milk
( I use whole, raw milk which is extra yummy)

Add all ingredients into a pot EXCEPT arrowroot powder and milk. Let simmer about 45 minutes. Add milk and arrowroot powder and whisk over low heat until begins to thicken. Turn Off heat and pour into casserole dish.

You can use whatever biscuit recipe is your favorite! My biscuit recipe is always kinda thrown together and very not exact -- always tastes good, though...sometimes quite wet, sometimes like a dough... I figure you can always add more flour or more milk and make them whatever texture you prefer.

3 cups flour
1 t sea salt
3/4 cup cheddar
, freshly shredded
3 t baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
3 T butter, cold
3 T palm oil shortening, solid

Mix together dry ingredients. Add cheese. Mix. Add shortening and butter. Pinch together mixture. Add egg and milk. Mix together. You may need to add a little more milk so dough is a little wettish -- think this helps to keep them from drying out as they cook.

Drop as clumps into chicken soupy stuff. I added too many biscuits and it absorbed most of the you may want to add just 8 or so.
Bake at 375 until done. Ours were a little golden brown on top but still nice and soft. Depends how you like your biscuits......