Tony and I spotted a new restaurant in our little historic town of Lititz on the way home from an early morning of birding at Middlecreek Wildlife Refuge in early June. In fact, I think it was the official first day of summer vacation for all and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my husband's summer freedom (he is a middle school science teacher) than a perfect cool, breezy, blue skied summer morning at the sanctuary lake. Hmmm, it was such a beautiful morning, I can still feel the breeze coming off the water across my skin. Today, it's a breezeless, but not humid 94 degrees and I am looking so forward to another morning like that! Oh, so not a southern weather girl!!!!!
Anyway, this is supposed to be about recipes and nutrition, right? 
SO, by the time we were close to home but not wanting the morning to end I remembered a new cafe style restaurant recommended by my precious friend, Amanda......The Tomato Pie Cafe. Guess what plays the starring role on the menu? Tomato Pie!!!!! Never had it but I decided to be brave and my life is forever changed. I would go there everyday if I could. I would buy whole pies and consume them every meal. But, they won't sell them that way and the recipe is a secret.
SO, I came home and started playing in the kitchen. This recipe is the result of trying and adjusting. It isn't the Tomato Pie Cafe pie, but it is delicious. And the best part? Only Tony and I eat tomatoes in our family so when I make it, it's all ours!!!
Haven't gotten a good picture yet, but I'll post one as soon as it happens!

Oh, this is sooooooo good!!!

Pie Crust:
This crust recipe is a knock-off that I found over at Farmgirl Fare who was the inspiration for most of my pie. She uses a biscuit recipe and makes more of a tomato basil calzone, but it works perfect. I have been using SPELT flour, a cousin of whole wheat, but not gentically altered or containing all the allergens that cause most wheat sensitivities.....which I have found to be true for me. It's been a great flour for me to begin my journey away from wheat with. 

3 cups of spelt flour (you can use unbromated white or whole wheat flour instead if your wish)
1/3 cup coconut oil, soft but not necessarily melted
3 t baking powder
1/2 t sea salt
1 cup milk ( I prefer whole, raw)
1 egg
1/4-1/2 c fresh grates parmesan

Preheat oven to 350.
Mix dry ingredients together.
Add remaining ingredients and mix all together. I use a mixer but you don't have to. I didn't actually have one until a few months ago. Dough should be relatively soft but not wet or mushy, just soft enough o form a ball. Add more flour if necessary. If using whole wheat, you might need more milk. 
Form into a larger ball and a smaller ball.
Roll larger ball out into a circle and then carefully, using a spatula, fold in half and set in a greased pie plate. 
Press into the pie dish shape, poke some holes with a fork and then bake in a pre-heated oven 7-10 minutes. Remove and set aside.

Tomato Filling and crazy cheesy topping:
2 large ripe tomatoes, sliced
12-16 basil leaves
1/2 c olive oil
2-3 cloves of garlic depending on the size
1 small sweet onion or candy onion, sliced
1 T butter
Cheese: all freshly grated
1 cup mozzarella, (I use fresh mozzarella these days)
1/2 cup cheddar
1/4 cup parmesan 

The first thing I do is make some quick pesto. I toss the garlic, 8 basil leaves, and 1/4 cup of the olive oil in a mini food processor and combine together. I mix mine into a puree but you don't have to. 
Spread the pesto onto the crust.
Next, I slice a small sweet onion (I prefer candy onions) and lightly saute in butter until wilty soft so as to retain most of the nutrients. Spread this on top of the pesto. 
Add a layer of sliced tomatoes followed by 1/2 the remaining basil leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil.
Sprinkle about 3/4 the grated mozzarella on the tomatoes.
Add one more layer of the remaining tomatoes, basil, and drizzle of olive oil. 
Add remaining grated cheese.
Now, for the top crust, you have some choices. Last night I rolled out the dough into strips and topped it with loosely woven strips like you sometimes see cheery pies done. It was great. However, if you want to be quick, just flatten out some random pieces of dough and place them atop the cheese, randomly, making sure plenty of cheese can bubble up through the pieces. 
Cover and bake about 20 minutes, remove lid or foil and continue to bake til bubbly golden brown (often 40-45 minutes total).
Wonderful with a side of fresh green beans, zucchini, and salad, or a nice refreshing green smoothie!