Shepherd's Pie

OK, so I tried to take photos of this most favorite family dish but notta one turned out at all.....just looked like big, orange, fluffiness......?????
In person it looked beautiful and tasted wonderful. In fact, we must make this again soon!!! 

From what I have heard Shepherd's Pie is a traditional food in throughout the British Isles with the Irish more often using beef and the British using lamb. However, I have never personally eaten Shepherd's Pie in either country so whether this is truth or lore, I have no idea. Lamb or beef? Your preference is all that matters! 

Recipe serves about 4 adult portions. I doubled this for our family of 6 and we had plenty with enough for some the next day. 

a generous helping of mashed potatoes
1 T olive oil
1 T organic butter 
2 T flour
1/8 cup red cooking wine
1 1/2 c chicken broth
1 cup frozen or fresh shelled peas
1 lb ground meat (I used 1/2 ground turkey and 1/2 organic lean ground beef)
3-4 large carrots, finely diced or food processed
1 onion, finely diced or food processed
3 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 egg white
optional: 1 medium turnip, finely chopped

Saute carrots, onions, and turnips in olive oil until softened. Add ground beef and thyme and brown. Drain fat. In a prep bowl mash the flour in to the butter. Add chicken broth and cooking wine, salt and pepper. Simmer covered 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally. Add flour-butter mixture in pieces and stir until dissolved and sauce thickens (just a few minutes). Add peas. Remove from heat. 

Pour meat sauce into a greased baking dish or casserole (I used a round 8 " diameter, 2 inch deep dish for this amount, an 11"diameter dish for a doubled recipe which was a better quantity for our size of family. 

Top with mashed potatoes. Baste with egg white. 

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Serve with fresh parsley and a side of greens or dark green leafy salad.