I am so thankful for the gift of perspective...
    it is so easy to miss...
we get in a hurry and don't think we have time,
accomplish, become, press on!

But, if we pause, if we rest,
if we consider our path and seek peace,

it emerges right before us,
clear as day...


And from perspective,
     we gain understanding,

And the light begins to shine on the path,
brighter and clearer and simpler...

And the voice behind you says, "This is the way, walk in it."
Insert Love Here!

“There are a lot of people around who can’t wait to tell you what you’ve done wrong, but there aren’t many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up...” 1 Corinthians 4:15

The “Master Plan” in life is to get those around you to fall in love with you. If you are successful, then you can gain access to their heart and impart the best part of who you are to them. Insert love here!

Honor is a ‘two-way’ experience. We must understand the function of honor comes through free people making a way for each other to remain powerful in the relationship. If we violate another person’s need for value, self-control or safety, then dishonor rushes in and fear fills our motivations. Honor requires that we prioritize relationships so love can rule the situation, family dynamic or corporate environment.
I no longer have something to prove. Instead, I have Christ, Who is all the proof I need. He alone justifies my life.
That frees me to simply "be" and focus on things above, not things on the earth.
We can learn so much by embracing and appreciating the differences in others and points of contention and disagreement. Look for what is right and beautiful and unique, not what hurts or what is wrong or reasons to be offended. Loving others who cause us pain or injustice and seeing them through God's us helps us grow and become stronger and more at peace. Appreciate them anyway; God uses everything to bless us and for good, to help us grow and be prepared for our Kingdom destiny.