This has become our very favorite breakfast (or anytime -- we often do gingerbread pancakes and sausage for dinner!) sausage. No yucky skin made from, well you don't want to know, no preservatives, AND it is actually healthy. Even the least processed sausages on the market, though low in preservatives and "Bad stuff", still aren't actually healthy. Well, here you go!

This recipe is the apple version but you don't have to add the apple. Only Tony and I like the apple kind so we don't actually make it this way often but I LOVE it! They cook up nice and quick. Sometimes I make double batches so I can freeze a bunch and have them on hand for the kids to heat up if I am out.

Turkey Apple Sausage
1 lb natural or organic ground turkey
2 small apples chopped or food processed
2 T ground sage
1/4-1/2 t allspice
1 T honey or pure maple syrup
1 t sea salt
1 t ground black pepper
coconut or palm oil for frying

(these oils are safe at higher temperatures, olive oil and canola oil have lower smoke points and are actually carcinogenic at higher temperatures)

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix up by hand just as you would meatballs. Spread enough oil in pan to coat the bottom. Shape into small flat patties (about 2 T full) and fry. Let brown 1/2 way up the sides and flip. Be sure they are cooked all the way through. Eat