Homemade Tortillas

My kids LOVE these! Pretty easy and the family gets super excited over making our own. We use lots of tortillas around here so I want to them to be as nutritious as possible. 

Once a week we use them in "taco bar night " where I make a "bar" of all kinds of taco fillings and they they have to choose a minimum of three ingredients (that is actually a stretch for some of my kids)...I like to put our taco meat (ground turkey, lean grass fed beef, or shredded-seasoned chicken), kidney beans, black beans, refried beans (homemade, healthy), cheese, guac, romaine, tomatoes, lime, brown rice, and various salsas...oh, and sour cream. Lots of fun -- kids always love it. 

I also like to have them on hand as back-up for dinners not everyone participates in...for example, potato soup and bread night -- it makes sure Julia and Jessie have dinner, too -- just toss in some shredded cheese, roll up, wrap in foil, and heat til melted -- cheese rolls! (If you have a microwave that works, too -- we chose to go microwave free a couple years back while increasing the healthiness of our home). 

Ingredients: (for 8-10 tortillas)
3 cups whole wheat flour
1/3 cup olive or melted coconut oil
1 cup hot water (You may need more depending upon your flour)
1/4 t baking powder
1 t salt

Mix dry ingredients together and then add remaining ingredients. Mix until dough is firm but not hard. Divide into 8-10 balls and allow to rest for 20 minutes. Roll out each ball into a round flat tortilla shape. Pan fry each tortilla 20 seconds/side. Fill 'em up and eat!
 (I often make a double or triple batch for our size family and store in fridge for quick snacks or lunches).

So, it's hard to make a tortilla shell look pretty but this is as good as it gets for now. They do TASTE yummy!