This is a huge family favorite, especially when served woth homemade turkey sausage and topped with a fresh made  fruit"syrup". I have shared this recipe with a number of people and it has truned out great for everyone.
I love using spelt flour and am always lookign for more recipes I can use it in though I use it regularly for Lindsey Edmund's No Yeast Spelt Bread, pancakes, and pizza dough. It is a grain from ancient times,  it is loaded with wonderful nutrients, and it is high in protein.  

Spelt Gingerbread Pancakes

Soaking Method:
3 cups spelt flour
1 1/2 cups acid medium ( I usually use yogurt or kefir)
2 T coconut oil
1/4 cup rapadura/sucanat
1 t vanilla
1/2 cup water

Mix ingredients together, cover bowl and let soak 12-24 hours. (For benefits of soaking see www.passionatehomemaking.com -- Lindsey does an excellent job explaing all the reasons why it is so good for your body to soak your grains.)

In the AM add the following ingredients and blend in a blender or with a mixer, I am currently in the market for a new blender so I use a mixer for now.

1 cup very warm water (star mixing now)
I usually need to add some milk , too, to get a relatively runny consistency (chocolate shake consistency)
1 t cinnamon
1 t ginger
1/4 t cloves
Blend well to the chocolate shake consistency.

Add leavening ingredients as follows and mix VERY briefly:
1/2 t salt
1 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda

Top however you desire. The picture above is pretty standard here. We have been steering clear of extra seeteners where possible so I will use some agave nectar on Julia's pancakes and some sort of fruit topping on the rest. If Ihave whipping cream on hand, I love to whip it up for pancakes....soooo good!

Above I have pictured fresh sliced peached and whole blueberries, fresh from the market. In the winter months when fresh organic fruit is harder to come by, I like to take 1-2 cups of frozen fruit, add 2 T coconut oil, 1 T honeyor  agave or 1 package Stevia and slow cook it about 10 minutes on a stove, covered, over a low flame. Makes a fruity syrup/compote for on top of fruit. Yummy!!!!