Homemade Bagels

Picture doesn't do them justice --still learning how to photograph food. But, trust me, these are soooo good. And fun, too! You can make whatever flavor you want (these are cinnamon and cinnamon-raisin)  -- get creative and have fun. The kids love to help out on these and if I have worked on them by myself they come running as soon as the aroma reaches their little noses. Oh, and it's way simpler than you would think!

Ingredients: (yields about 13 bagels, depending on size)

5-6 cups whole grain flour (I usually use 3 cups whole wheat and 2 cups hard, unbromated, unbleached white)

2 pckg.  yeast for whole grains
1 T sea salt 
1/4 C honey
1 T honey
2- 2 1/2 C warm water
small handful of cornmeal
Pot of water w/ 1T sea salt for boiling
1 egg white

Any other flavorings you choose to use

Proof your yeast by adding yeast, 1 T honey, and one cup water (warmed to 110 degrees) into a small mixing bowl (I usually use one of my giant mugs for this). Let stand 5-7 minutes until bubbly and frothy -- this tells you the yeast is working. 

Meanwhile, add dry ingredients to bowl and mix. Add honey, 1 cup water, and bubbly yeast mixture. Mix together well. Add additional water if necessary. Mix together. Dough should be workable, but not wet. I usually knead until smooth and sort of soft feeling. You are looking for dough to be pliable, not wet, not dry. 

Set in a warm place and allow to rise til doubled. Punch down and separate into shape like bagels -- size is your choice. I make them a little smaller than the bagel shop because of the whole grains -- they are more nutrient and physically dense.  Poke hole in the middle with your thumbs as you shape the dough. Allow to rest, covered 20-25 minutes. 

Bring a large pot of water to boiling -- add 1 T salt -- I use a large saucepan. One at a time drop a few bagels into boiling water. Turn after 20 seconds and then flip right back and remove from water. Lay on a wire cookie rack or something similar to dry (about 15-20 minutes). Gently brush tops with egg white and then dip bottom of bagel in cornmeal. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, 30-40 minutes, turning once (I usually wait to turn til the vary end so they are baking on their tops only 5 minutes or so). 

Slather with butter or cream cheese and enjoy!!!!

     Homemade Tortillas

My kids LOVE these! Pretty easy and the family gets super excited over making our own. We use lots of tortillas around here so I want to them to be as nutritious as possible. 

Once a week we use them in "taco bar night " where I make a "bar" of all kinds of taco fillings and they they have to choose a minimum of three ingredients (that is actually a stretch for some of my kids)...I like to put our taco meat (ground turkey, lean grass fed beef, or shredded-seasoned chicken), kidney beans, black beans, refried beans (homemade, healthy), cheese, guac, romaine, tomatoes, lime, brown rice, and various salsas...oh, and sour cream. Lots of fun -- kids always love it. 

I also like to have them on hand as back-up for dinners not everyone participates in...for example, potato soup and bread night -- it makes sure Julia and Jessie have dinner, too -- just toss in some shredded cheese, roll up, wrap in foil, and heat til melted -- cheese rolls! (If you have a microwave that works, too -- we chose to go microwave free a couple years back while increasing the healthiness of our home). 

Ingredients: (for 8-10 tortillas)
3 cups whole wheat flour
1/3 cup olive or melted coconut oil
1 cup hot water (You may need more depending upon your flour)
1/4 t baking powder
1 t salt

Mix dry ingredients together and then add remaining ingredients. Mix until dough is firm but not hard. Divide into 8-10 balls and allow to rest for 20 minutes. Roll out each ball into a round flat tortilla shape. Pan fry each tortilla 20 seconds/side. Fill 'em up and eat!
 (I often make a double or triple batch for our size family and store in fridge for quick snacks or lunches).

So, it's hard to make a tortilla shell look pretty but this is as good as it gets for now. They do TASTE yummy!