What's on My Plate, Part I

Blueberry spelt crepes: organic cream cheese, local raw organic honey, fresh, local, organic blueberries, organic coconut oil, local free range eggs, organic ground cinnamon, organic juice from a lemon
One of the very first steps in living a healthier lifestyle is learning to answer the following the question:

How did what I am eating get to be food on my plate?

Unraveling this mystery and taking responsibility for this information could change your health and your food habits forever. Think about it….even when you are dieting, what is the hardest part? Changing your habits. Isn’t it that way with everything? Habits. We tend to be creatures of habit, especially when it comes to food. What we have found, however, is that as we understand the processes by which our dinner comes to be on our plate we are empowered to adjust and change certain habits forever. It even worked for my kids!

So then, where do you begin? Well, one of the first things we did was pick up the book, Eat to Live by Dr. Colbert. This simple book (lots of pictures and large print!) taught us much, in a very simple way, about many of the ingredients in what we were eating and what they were doing to our bodies. It also taught us much about what we could put in our bodies instead.

I actually took the book to the grocery with me for the 1st couple months to help me read ingredient labels. I’d been reading the label with calories, fat, sodium, etc. for a long time, but I never took the time to read the ingredient label…you know, the one that tells what is in the can, box, bag, or package I was about to consume. I must say I learned pretty quickly that while we must be conscious of calories, fat, and sugar, those things kind of take care of themselves if we become more conscious of what is actually in the food.

SO, your first step in a healthier you is to take a trip through your cupboards and refrigerator and learn what you have been eating:

Is it Mexican rice? Or is it  enriched rice, titanium dioxide, monosodium glutamate (MSG), silicon dioxide, nitrate, modified food starch, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, “flavoring”, yellow # 5, and a plethora of other ingredients that are neither actually food nor pronounceable.

Why then, if it isn’t really food, why are we eating it? Because it tastes good? Well, we learned that even the taste of food changed once we broke our addiction to MSG, an addiction we didn’t even know we had. I remember the day, a few months into modifying our food habits, we sat down to enjoy dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant and, for a moment, we thought they had changed the ingredients. It just didn’t taste that good any more…oh, and we felt horrible later, too. The restaurant had not changed their ingredients, our taste buds changed. During that same time we stopped by one of our favorite chain Italian restaurants and my oldest daughter ordered pasta. A few bites into one of her favorite all time dishes (she ordered the same thing every time there), she made a funny face and declared how mushy and blah her pasta was. It had happened. We could no longer eat “non-food”. Chemicals, actually. Genetically engineered food.

Dr. Colbert groups food into two major categories: “living food” and “dead food”. Simple enough, right? Living foods are foods exist in their raw or close to raw state. They are colorful, robust, healthy, and are found in their divinely created wrappers such as peels, skins, and shells. They are plucked, harvested, and squeezed and they are not the ones found in the aisles of the grocery store – they are instead found at local markets, farm stands and the outer ring of the grocery, in the refrigerated sections.  Dead foods are those foods which are not really foods at all. They are consumable products that have been highly processed, modified she bleached, refined, preserved, or chemically enhanced. We also quickly learned that living food promotes life and healing and restoration, while dead foods do just the opposite – they are linked to obesity, sickness, disease, degeneration, allergies, and ultimately toward death.  Simple? You bet!


Basic Steps toward a Healthier Life

After many conversations with people, I think I can accurately conclude that more people would embark on a healthy lifestyle journey if they really believed it was possible for them. 

Here are some of the basic elements to getting started. Part I is called ELIMINATION: 

1. Cut out or at least restrict your intake refined sugars and sugar based foods....
This includes not only sweets, but white foods such as white rice, white pasta, most cereals, soda, energy drinks, etc. 

2. Eliminate unhealthy fats:
Bye bye to fast food, pizza delivery, fatty non-organic meats like bacon, double cheeseburgers, hot dogs, pulled pork BBQ, sausages, steak, dark poultry meat, etc. 
Also, processed cheeses, coffee creamer, store bought eggs, cream cheese, large amounts of cheese, and large amounts of other dairy. 
It took some time to find a good local meat source but they are out there so keep looking. It's one of the best ways to purchase meat. Look for local organic or at least all natural free range, grass fed meats....organic is best, but these others are a big step.....and then reduce the amount to 4-5 servings (3-4 oz max!) per week. 3 servings per week is even better but there may be a learning curve for cooking and for your family. 
I won't even go into what your grocery store meat goes through before you purchase it, or what is in it and why it's dangerous. It's not just the fats -- it's what is in the fat, the way the animals were raised, what they have been injected with, what the growing conditions were like, how many pesticides,chemicals, and dead animals were in the animals feed supply....should I continue? (It is important to educate yourself on this topic. I recommend the following videos: Food Inc., Fresh, and Ingredients -- these videos will help you tremendously in the process of changing your meat habits). 

3. Processed foods and chemicals:
More than 60% of the average American diet is comprised of processed foods, one of the primary reasons so many disseases are on the rise-- heart disease, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, ADHD, ADD, eczema, autoimmune disorders, autism, cancers, osteoporosis, infertility........should I continue?
Most of these diseases could be prevented or eradicated by removing all these "elimination foods" from our diets but this category is one of the worst because it is so addictive and we are so dependent upon its convenience. 
Processed food are foods containing ingredients that were parts of food at one time but have undergone processing at high temperatures and with chemicals and other non-food ingredients added in. These include all white flours, white rice, white pasta, anything with ingredients that say: enriched flour, partially hydrogenated, soybean oil, lecithin, MSG, artificial flavors or colors, nitrates,  sterols, glycerides, and the list goes on. Typically, it is the vast majority of the food on the inside aisles of your grocery store. 
I use as a rule of thumb: if I cannot pronounce it and it has a long list of ingredients, I leave it at the store...this would include many of the items in the non-refrigerated sections of the grocery store. 

4. Allergens:
This step is actually something I've worked on more recently and have seen wonderful results from. 
There are several primary food allergens which commonly cause digestive issues as well as the retention of fluid and toxins in our fat cells:
wheat and dairy are the two biggest.....but corn products, also...mostly due to all the genetic engineering and processing these food categories have undergone in the last 50 years. 93% of US corn is genetically modified. Most people consider corn a vegetable but it's not...it's a starch and causes bloating and is stored as fat. It is also a key ingredient in numerous forms within most processed foods. 

As a family, the only whole wheat we really have been consuming is organic whole wheat pastas, homemade organic, soaked whole wheat bread and baked goods, and Kashi non-GMO cereals......the rest of the family is still consuming these but in smaller amounts but since I was having some issues recovering physically from being pregnant and miscarrying, I decided to eliminate wheat....and WHOA!!!!!! What a difference! 
As far as dairy, organic dairy products are the definite choice. The antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and toxins in the cow and the cow's diet are stored in the fat cells....which is what we use to make dairy products from -- so you are essential getting a massive dose of toxins each time you consume them. However organic dairy is quite expensive so, at first, we just reduced the amount we consumed and consumed only fat free or mostly fat free dairy products.....although we switched from margarine to organic butter immediately. Now we purchase grass fed, raw milk, cheese, and yogurts from a local farmer -- totally unprocessed -- and we consume much smaller amounts than we used to .  
It was amazing how much better my children tolerated dairy -- me, too. My oldest daughter was in the bathroom every time she ate pizza, ice cream, milk, or anything else cheesy. No longer. And, if we do go out for ice cream on occasion, she has no problem.

Replacing the bad with all good:
OK, so now that we have eliminated, you might ask what's left?
This is where we begin to replace the chemical laden, fat laden foods with whole foods and the wonderful earth's bounty God always intended for us. 

1. Drink lots of filtered water.
Water, water, and more water...The single most important nutrient on earth. We can live a while without food but only a few days without water! Every living thing requires it for life.
As you begin to eliminate the nasty foods from your diet and replace them with living foods, your body will begin to detoxify. If you don't flush those toxins out with lots and lots of filtered water, they will overload your liver and will find ways to get out. Water, the great purifier, however will help flush them right out. 

This was tough but we went cold turkey on this. We just got all the sodas, bottled juices, and other flavored and sugared drinks out of the house so if we were thirsty, we had to reach for water. 
Water is the best way to get out the toxins leftover from years of eating poorly -- it is the best cleanser on earth and we need to consume lots of it. This was the most difficult change of all for me, personally. I drank diet soda and coffee. Period. 
If I consumed a bottle of water every three months, it was miraculous.  
It's still not my favorite, but I want to live long and strong and water is key to a healthy life. 

2. Eat lots of fresh, raw fruit and vegetables, mostly organic. 9 Servings/day!
 Who eats 9 servings of fresh raw fruit and veggies/day? I do now. However, when we got started 3 1/2 years ago, the number was more like 1-2/week...maybe. 
I still struggled getting the amount I needed raw until I started juicing and making green smoothies. I have found lots of wonderful recipes, though, and juicing and smoothies really fill me up and destroy my cravings and overeating impulses. 
Yep, I'd still rather have them cooked, like in a roast or braised for hours in oils....and I do eat cooked veggies. I just don't count those in my 9 servings --- they are over and above.  
I will say that organic produce tastes WAAAY different than regular produce. There is so much more flavor. I can barely choke down a carrot if it's not organic -- it's missing the juice, the sweetness and depth of flavor. Organic apples are such a treat...
I think organic fruits and veggies are easier to find than they used to be and I really believe if you search, you'll find a great local source of organic or chemical free produce nearby inexpensively in season. Local markets are a great place to begin your search. Farmers can tell you of other farmers and before you know it, you'll have a beautiful list of where to find the best, least expensive, freshest living foods!
Not all produce must be organic. Be sure to check the blog for a list of the most important fruits and veggies to purchase organically. 
Some great information on the importance of he micronutrients from plant based foods is wonderfully explained through: 
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (free viewing on their website)
Food Matters (I think you can view this on their site for $5 -- I watched it on Netflix)

3. Add whole grains to your diet where you formerly consumed simple carbohydrates. 
This was an acquired taste but not we can't stand the taste of white flour/enriched flour breads, pastas, rice....they taste like glue....yuck! But we didn't feel that way at first. 
It was more of a transition for the kids than for Tony and I. Now, I no longer consume whole wheat products either because of wheat belly and other digestive issues, but when purchasing whole grain products, read the label thoroughly. If it doesn't have a special seal on it that says 100% whole grain, it's not. Tons of $4-5 breads say whole grain and are made with enriched flour, triglycerides, nitrates, and other chemicals -- and are sold in the health food sections. BEWARE! This advertising fraud is why I started making my baked goods. 
Also, most wheat products on the market are made from GMO grains -- that means genetically modified, highly chemically sprayed, etc. Be sure to learn about GMOs and why to avoid them.  Here are some great videos available on Netflix or your library to easily explain it all: Food Inc., Fresh, Deconstructing Supper, Ingredients
Wheat causes us to retain fluid and store toxins in our cells...a phenomenon called wheat belly. That's why so many folks lose weight quickly when they cut wheat out. Wheat also is an acidic food and so causes inflammation throughout our bodies. I have had arthritic issues and digestive issues in the past so wheat is no longer a regular food on my personal plate...and when I consume it, I feel it immediately. I get bloated ASAP....yuck. 

The best sources of whole grains are actually not from wheat, at all. They are your brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, coconut flour, etc. Quinoa and spelt are quickly becoming my favorites. 

4. Lastly, finding new alternate sources of protein and fats:
Whole foods are packed with protein. SO dies the myth that your protein must come from animals.....and even that we need so much of it. Some great alternatives are legumes (beans, chic peas, etc.), spirulina and other sea veggies, nuts, and seeds. This is a new venture for me so I will share as I go but I am amazed at how far a handful of raw cashews or a few almonds goes to satiate my appetite between meals! 
I've also replaced most butter with coconut oil and olive oil. I consume plenty of milled flax seed and chia seed. Hummus and guacamole are regular inhabitants of my fridge shelves. 

There you have it! The basics of a healthy diet that promotes a healthy weight, healing and restoration, energy, and mental clarity...to name a few! Enjoy!

    The Truth about SugarThe Truth about Sugar

    I had spent most of my life highly active and considered myself a fairly healthy eater. I had been vegetarian for a little while, exercised like a maniac, loved “weird” foods like tofu, hummus, nature burgers…..so I must say I was quite surprised to discover that I had a very high intake of sugar, even through those healthier years I described above. By the time it became physically necessary to adjust my food lifestyle, I had been eating a poor person, busy mom diet  -- white bread, pasta, pancakes, enriched flour products, fast food, pizza, subs, wings, fried food, frozen dinner food – burritos, enchiladas, pizza rolls, etc. I had also become the microwave queen. I wasn’t much of a sweet tooth, though, ever – so I really didn’t consider my dietary issues to be mostly sugar related. Shocker!!!!!!!! Sugar was my #1 dietary issue, followed closely by a  lengthy list of special chemicals I was surely consuming on a daily basis for most of my parenting life……so that meant my family was in the same boat as me and on the same path.


    How did I know sugar was an issue? How much sugar is considered chronically excessive?

    Sugar intake should be no more than 10% of total calories. To put that in perspective, that’s a 20oz bottle of soda. Now remember, we are not just talking sweets. The following also count as sugar:

    White pasta, white bread, white rice, most jellies, most cereals, anything made with enriched flour, most peanut butters, chips, any high carb food, and most processed food. 

    Side note: if you are overweight, sugar intake is considered excessive if it is more than 5% of your total calories. 

    I caught a terrific episode of The Believer’s Voice of Victory with special guest speaker, Dr. Don Colbert one morning that revolutionized our diets and lives forever. In fact, I watched all 14 episodes by Dr. Colbert over and over. There were many items that caught my attention and cut me so deeply I was overwhelmingly compelled to make changes, but the information on sugar was by far the most impactful. 

    After all the years of dieting and the latest, greatest weight –loss fads, it became truly confusing who to listen to. But once I learned what these “foods” or chemicals that I was consuming do to our bodies I really had to face the facts. It is what it is, and if I want to live long and live strong, I have to do my part. Healing always comes and Jesus is the healer, but stewardship of our bodies is our responsibility and personal choice. We can only abuse and neglect our bodies so long before our bodies begin to break down. 

    So, what is such a big deal that I was willing to go to such lengths to pursue this new adventure?

    Here are just a few items I learned that helped me over the hump and made me willing to sacrifice. 

    1.      We’ve been deceived, sugar is ADDICTIVE. The more you eat, the more you “need”. Sugar actually depletes your body of an important mineral, zinc, which your body needs. With depleted zinc levels, food can seem to lose it’s taste and you require more sugar to give you the same satisfaction. 

    2.    Sugar can impair your immune system. In fact I remember being truly struck when Dr. Colbert said that sugar literally feeds viral infections and cancers. Uh, scarey! – for this girl who lived quite an interesting lifestyle for many years and baked herself brown as baked beans every summer since she could remember. Oh, and what is the main ingredient in all the kiddie cough and cold medications out there? You guessed it!

    3.    Sugar can lead to osteoporosis and other inflammatory issues and diseases.BINGO! All that back pain, joint pain and creaking in my shoulders, hips, and knees? Yep, the ingestion of sugar (mostly, for me, through pastas, white rice, cereal, chips, processed bread, enriched flour products, and pizza – I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth) had created an acidic environment in my body, in my blood which had dramatically increased joint and arthritic inflammation, bone loss, and broken teeth.


    4.    Sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes and elevated cholesterol. Excess sugar triggers the release of insulin to the point where your body cells become insulin-resistant. Elevated insulin levels cause the liver to produce more cholesterol and triglycerides which cause more plaque development to form in the blood vessels which, over time, lead to all kinds of health problems. 

    5.    Sugar can make you fat, period. Excess sugar consumption increases fat storage. The increase in blood insulin levels signals to the body o store more fat.  In fact, it is the leading cause of belly fat…I’m talking about the belly fat that is soooo hard to get rid of. Not the cute little pouch, that goes away with a few crunches, I’m talking about the belly fat that most Americans today carry with them…the belly fat I had and still am still working on! That same belly fat is what leads to plaque formation in the blood vessels which increases issues with blood and heart diseases. 

    Here are a few other items to take note of regarding sugar intake:

    The chronic inflammation caused by excess sugar intake promotes aging. Chronic inflammation suppresses the release of human growth hormone which affects many factors which influence our outer appearance. 

    Sugar promotes glycation. Glycation is a processby which the sugar molecules in your blood look around for things to “hook” themselves to, such as protein and fat molecules producing toxins called AGEs which throw the aging process into fast forward. 

    There is much more….but we just need a place to begin understanding the implication of diets excessively high in sugar.. As moms, we really need to understand this because of the precious lives we have been given stewardship over. I didn’t say it was easy, but once I was educated I was compelled because I didn’t want to pass this lifestyle onto my children and I wanted none of us to become statistics. I’m not saying eating however we wish means we don’t love our kids, I am just saying that we need to take responsibility for the health of our families as women of God because it is the right thing to do. It honors Him and it honors them. We all want what’s best for our children, it would be ludicrous to say otherwise…but once we are educated on any scheme the enemy has against them, we also need to take up our weapons and fight for them

    So, together, let’s toss out the juice, KoolAid, and soda and replace it with filtered or spring water. Let’s toss the enriched flour and processed products and replace them with whole foods. Let’s educate ourselves and our families and begin a revolution of nutrition and health that open the doors for all of us to live long and live strong!