Gluten free/Dairy free Gingerbread Cupcakes:
Pre-heat oven to 350

2 1/2 cups gf free all purpose flour mix ( i use Red Mill)
1 teaspoon xanthum gum
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup shortening (Spectrum vegetable shortening which can be purchased at Giant)
1/2 cup white sugar (Agave can be used instead)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar

2 eggs
1 cup molasses
1 cup boiling/hot water

ALL ITEMS MUST BE AT ROOM TEMP (other than hot water lol). If you find that your mixing bowls have gotten a little chilly to the touch (even during the course of mixing) run the outside of the bowl in warm water.

1) I first sift and mix together: flour mix, xantham gum, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and salt. Put aside
2) In a mixer, combine shortening and the two sugars. Beat at high speed for at least five minutes. You need the sugar/shortening mix to be light and fluffy. Cannot stress the importance of this step enough. This is where we will get lift without gluten.
3) Add the two eggs. Beat. Add the molasses. Beat.
4) Carefully and slowly add the dry ingredients and the hot water. Add each about a third at a time. Blending until just incorporated after each addition. I usually go dry, wet, dry, wet.
5) Fill either cupcake pan or cake pan only about 1/2 full.
6) As soon as you put the batter into the oven, lower the temp to 325
7) 20 min for cupcakes, check after 30 for cake

Best topping? A frosting with orange zest added

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