Summer temperatures have been rolling into Lancaster County this week reaching up into the triple digits which have had me searching for refreshing eats for our family.

I threw this together for lunch the other day. Scrumptious, refreshing, and energizing! We are definitely making this again after our next tri pto the local organic farmer's market.

1/2 pound all naural or organic, grass fed beef {Fantastic Foods meatless taco filling), browned with 1/2 t cumin, 2 t chili powder, 1/2 t garlic powder
3/4 cup raw cheddar or feta cheese, crumbled
2 T milled flax seed
1/2 fresh ripe tomato, sliced and chopped
4 or more cups farm fresh, chopped green lettuce leaves (I used butterhead, romaine, and spinach mix)...chopped up well
chunky lime slices
1 small candy onion, chopped fine
homemade guacamole (2 organic avacados, 1/4 cup organic onion, finely chopped, 1/2 cup fresh organic tomato, chopped, juice of 1 organic lime, 3 T fresh organic cilantro, chopped)

Place lettuce on plates. Mix flax into choice of taco meat and sprinkle onto lettuce.
Sprinkle onion next. Spread a decent amount of guacamole and then sprinkle some tomatoes, then cheese. Add slice of lime to side of plate. 

Makes about 4-5 servings.

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