Journey reflection: the kingdom of God

I have begun researching this topic as I have realized that our most recent journey began from the instructions in Matthew 6,

Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you

I only recently realized that I had a concept of what the kingdom of God is, but not understanding and I feel pressed to discover and experience it, to live what Jesus called "a kingdom life".

I believe there are aspects to it, all interrelated and necessary.

I believe that one component is to seek the Truth, to become familiar with His word so as to begin to understand the difference between Gods heart for us, His ways, and those of the world around us......that we may be able to begin to discern right paths, truth from untruth. That is truly where this journey began two January's ago. Following His word helped us to turn our heads to follow him and to walk away from the voices that were holding us prisoner.

Giving His word 1st place, believing that He is faithful to do all He promises, led us straight into law of love.......His heart and understanding that choosing the way of love, getting and keeping our hearts toward others right, is a major part of the kingdom of God...we cannot do His will without a right heart........
Aspects of this include letting go of judgment, criticism, rules, unforgiveness, resentment, and the need for the approval of others---or at least the desire to avoid perceived punishment and rebuke at not living up to others standards and expectations. This has been a big chunk of our journey so far and we've come far but still have a ways to go......
In order to make done of these heart and mind changes, God drove us to seek a greater understanding of our identity which required a deeper probing and understanding of His love for us, something I m still working on though I feel so much more clear headed in all this.
This also helped us understand that we cannot move much further without support, mentorship, and instruction which led to reaching out for help in our church. This is where we are right now.
We are just beginning this process but it seems to be moving quickly, as we begin to establish more kingdom relationships and become connected with the body......
I can see our ability and our effectiveness will always be limited without that deeper connection with the body-----for now, through  church and Tonys school.

It now seems that God is beginning to move us toward another aspect of the Kingdom, power: healing, signs and wonders following, spiritual gifts, prophecy, anointing.
I have been researching what the Bible says concerning the kingdom of G and so far every passage has revolved around demonstrations of His power.

"the kingdom of God lies not in words but in power"

Now I am beginning to see the rabbit trail of our journey. If the kingdom of God lies not in mere words but in power, that power will likely require a firm foundation and right heart, a heart moved by God to operate properly in it. Where demonstrations of power were seen throughout the new testament, growth and influence often followed.

We have experienced and witnessed first hand the abuse of Christian leadership and the damage that can ensue as a result of unchecked influence, influence without a right heart. I'm thankful for the image and experiences that we have had as we move forward in this next part of the journey because there will likely be many temptations and opportunities to exalt ourselves or become full of ourselves, selfish, and greedy. I just dont think it is hard for good people to off track. So we must be slow to judge here and quick to learn and never let go of seeking wisdom as for treasure, being ever aware of our forth window..........The window we cannot necessarily see ourselves through. It's a dangerous window because we are blind to it and it requires humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit to remain continually aware of it.

We understand that we are in a season of preparation right now and i am so excited about this part of the has been such a relief to know and have confirmation that we are doing the right thing so that we can sink ourselves into and embrace what God is doing in our lives right now.

Let's give Him praise and a great cheer!!!!!! Alleluia and amen! Start blogging by creating a new post. You can edit or delete me by clicking under the comments. You can also customize your sidebar by dragging in elements from the top bar.

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