I love hanging out on my patio with the kids playing in the yard....it's about 72 and overcast -- perfect patio weaher!

Just thought I'd jot a few notes down before I take off for church community nite.

Took some photos today of the early garden. I love to compare them to others taken as summer moves on and beds fill in! 

Such a beautiful day following a couple days of warm rainstorms. Things are definitely taking root and beginning to grow!
I found one of my perennial salvias broken -- not sure if it was kids or bunnies....will have to watch. 
Fertilized the beds out front, on the side of the patio, and the butterfly garden. Will have to get to the others' later. 
More and more annuals coming back from last year's seed. I just moved 3-4 Hyacenth Beans around in the front that I found sprouted. 

Perennials split this year: 
1. Daisies: split off 3 more plants
2. Sedum: split 5 plants off
3. Bee Balm: split one large chunk off for back bed

Perennials which didn't come back:
evening primrose
Special daisy 

Perennials added:
2 delphinums
2 purple bee balm
3 Russian Sage
Beard tongue
3 perennial salvia
3 lavender

I double dug all the beds again this year adding more composted manure and peat. The flowers all seem to be taking root quite easily this year compared to last year prior to double digging. The soil was just too hard and without adequate nutrients. 

Peonies about ready to pop! I'd say within the week, for sure. Looking forward to it -- lots of cut flowers and then I can cut them back hard so other things can grow -- they take up way too much room for my liking. 

The bulbs I planted back in March are growing weel. The gladiolas are mostly around a foot tall, the Iris have several leaves, and the lillies are growing well.

I had a couple nice surprises this year so far. The liatris which was eaten by the rabbits last year -- literally down to nothing, came back with vigor -- four separate plants. Also, I had let a plant grow for a while because I couldn't tell if it was a weed or plant. It finally started IDing itself as a weed so I pulled it.....and there underneath, hidden away was a beautiful, healthy, green as can be daisy plant. 

That's good for today!

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    Daily Notes

    This is where I keep my daily garden notes and observations to help me plan from year to year. 


    May 2012

