Eating better, which leads to feeling better, doesn't always have to involve preparing a complicated meal. There are many ways to maximize your nutritional intake with very little fuss. Here are a few ideas we've been testing out lately.

1. Add green smoothies to your diet
By consuming green smoothies on a daily basis this past week, we have consumed a bag of kale, 1 1/2 bags of baby spinach, a bag of chard, 6 onions, a bulb of garlic, a bag of celery, a pound of carrots, 2 quarts of blueberries,  4-5 quarts of strawberries, 2 pineapple, 9 kiwi, 3 apples, a quart of apriums, a pint of plums, a pint of peaches, a bag of broccoli, and 1 beet. All organic and all fresh picked from the farm with only the pineapple and apples being from the grocery.

2. Serve a veggie plate of fresh, organic chopped veggies with lunch and dinner

3. Add milled flax or flax oil to cereals, salads, yogurt, and smoothies

4. Munch on some organic almonds, cashews, raisins, or walnuts as a snack. 

5. Buy local produce, meat, and dairy. 
Local foods do not have to travel far to make it into your kitchen. Hence they are less likely to be sprayed and have had less time to lose nutrient density for reaching your kitchen. 

6. Buy grass fed meats and dairy
Unless the packaging says "non-GMO", you can pretty much assume what your purchasing has GMO in it or has been fed a diet of GMO foods. 

7. Add a scoop of living food or superfood containing chlorella or sprulina to your drink, cereal, yogurt, smoothie, etc. 
Divine Health supplements have multiple mixes like this that you can add as a boost such as Green Superfood and Living Fruit and Veggie.

When you eat to live rather than live to eat, your whole concept of what enters your mouth changes based upon what the food will or will not do to or for you. If you are truly trying to get the maximal nutrition from your foods, you'll find there is litle room for anything by the end of the say. 

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