So, does it really make a difference to eat farm fresh, cage free eggs?

I hate to say it, because they are not always conveneient to find, but the answer is yes.
Research has repeatedly shown that farm fresh free range eggs are so much healthier than caged hen eggs....and of course, organic is way better lest you want your eggs bursting with the pesticide covered food they are fed and with the hormones and antibiotics they are injected with.

Now, just for the record, there is a lot of contradicting information out there....many claims that factory bred, non-organic eggs are equally nutritious and equally saturated in cholesterol as organic, farm fresh free range eggs. Unfortuantely, you just need to study the research and decide for yourself. Based on some sources that I do personally trust and find to be sound, we eat the more natural, organic choice. Many of the same sources that poo-poo free range organic eggs are the same sources that claim vitamins do not work and are not worthwhile. While all vitamins are not created equal and some are genuinely crappy because of their ingredients and how they are produced, many are wondeful quality and truly beneficial for our health. My Dr. brother says, no way -- his research and conclusions, very biased and limited.

So, what's the difference?

Well, without research at all, no one is ever going to be able to convince me that eating an egg from a hen that's been injected with hormones, steroids, antibiotics, and arsenic is just as healthy as eggs from hens that have not. That isn't even logical. In fact, it's ignorant. Also, the words quality and nutrient mean very different things and many studies use the two interchangeably.

Organic, free range eggs:
Much higher in heart-healthy omega-3's
contain 1/3 the cholesterol 
1/4 the saturated fat
4-6 times as much vitamin D
40% more vitamin A
Twice as much vitamin E

SO, for our family, it's farm fresh, organic, free range eggs. Store bought versions are indeed expensive so you will need to weigh that in. However, if you do a little research you will very likely find a greta resource for farm fresh eggs that are very reasonable. We currently pay about $1.50-1.75/ dozen from a local farmer --- but there are a gazillion local farmers who sell them here. You can probably find one, too. 
Hope that helps!

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