"I love summer tomatoes" pizza sauce

Chunky tomatoes, fresh basil and herbs, lots of chopped fresh garlic and some fresh chopped onion, too......YUM! 
This is my favorite pizza sauce but I can only use it on the adult's pizza in our home since our children do not yet eat vegetable chunks.....it will come. 
I made it up one day as a side dish and then decided to use it on the gourmet pizza nite for the adult pizza (that's the one with all the cool toppings!).....

Super easy and quick.

Pizza sauce:
4-5 tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, sliced and clopped
1/2 c onion chopped
3 sprigs fresh Italian oregano, rinsed and chopped
8 basil leaves, rinsed and chopped 
1/4 c olive oil

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